NowULive Presents NotFNGuilty Season 1: The OG and The Youngbuck The Defense Attorneys with Berto Elmore and Nana Osei.
Alt Stream Presented Exclusively By...
Jan 29, 2025
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The California Association of Black Lawyers (CABL) has an illustrious history and lineage of courage, activism and participation in the political process. During the 1976 National Bar Association Convention in Houston, Texas, several California attorneys and judges met and discussed the need for a statewide bar organization to address issues facing black lawyers and judges in California. After that NBA Conference, a series of informal meetings were held in Northern and Southern California. After several meetings, held both in Oakland and in Los Angeles, it was decided that a statewide association should be formed and that the initial meeting should be held in Los Angeles in April. This meeting was sponsored and planned primarily by the leadership of the Charles Houston Bar Association and the John M. Langston Bar Association. They were assisted by the Black Lawyers of San Diego County (now the Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association) and the Black Women Lawyers of California.